Start of KreisverChor
Vocal offensive tours around Moritzplatz

17.10., 13.11, 27.11.2024, both at 3 pm

Turning the Point 01 Checkpoint Moritz
12.10.–01.12.2024, Tue-Sun 3pm–7pm
CLB Berlin, Aufbau Haus Kreuzberg, Berlin

This Game is Ours!
Collective self-assertion in a difficult environment
Un jeu pour notre place – a field report, Algeria 2020-22
kunststadt stadtkunst 70-2023
--> read it

Different Ways to get the Round into the Square
A Parcours through the Porschestrasse
22 April 2023, 11am to 3pm starting point: Café Milano, Porschestraße
KIPS – Art in the Porschestrasse, City of Wolfsburg
--> festival website

The Olga Korbut Effect
Aesthetic reconstruction of a historical moment
in women‘s artistic gymnastics at the Olympics
1 to 9 July 2022 on a platform in the Olympic lake, Munich
50th anniversary of the 1972 Munich Olympic Games
Cultural Department of the City of Munich
--> festival website

Transformative Partizipation
With a contribution to the "Time Capsule Hasenbergl“
JOVIS publishing house, 160 pages, German, 10.2021, 29.80€
The publication was preceded by an online symposium
of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences.
--> editors announcement

Un jeu pour notre place | A Game for our Place
A collaborative game with women on urban squares in Algeria
Goethe-Institut Algiers, Algeria
2020, 2021 and 2022

Stuttgart Witch Trail
A Performative Journey through old and new Motives of the Witch
Pia Lanzinger and Jasmin Schädler
26 and 29 September 2021, 4 pm both days
Sponsored by the Kulturamt of the City of Stuttgart.

The City and Its Gender: Transverse Passages in Berlin
Tour 1: 9 Sept 2019, 1:30 p.m. | Tour 2: 26 Sept 2019, 2 p.m.
Tracks in a Box. When artists make guided tours
CLB Pop Up Stadtterrasse, Aufbau Haus Moritzplatz, Berlin
Sept 7 – 25, 2019, Opening: 6 September, 7 p.m.

Vom Schwäbischen in die Ferne und zurück
A collaborative public performance
Kronenzentrum Bietigheim
9 October 2018, 7:30 p.m.

»Drehmoment« Produktionskunst
Städtische Galerie Bietigheim-Bissingen
July 24 – October 14, 2018

Housing estates and the production of images of themselves
»Zeitkapsel Hasenbergl« and »Aspectomat Hellersdorf«
station urbaner kulturen, Berlin-Hellersdorf
May 6 – Juni 23, 2018
link (1)
link (2)

Positions on the transformation of the city and
appropriation of urban spaces
Atelierstraße 18, 81671 München
April 14 – May 20, 2018

Time Capsule Hasenbergl
An urban district appears in the Kammerspiele Munich
26 October 2017, 8 p.m.
Kammer 3

Hasenbergl gets a new Time Capsule!
19 October 2017, 5 pm
Meeting point at the horse sculpture
in front of the Kulturzentrum 2411
Blodigstraße 4, 80933 München

Istanbul (artist in residence)
Land of Berlin, March – August 2017
Tarlabaşı, Beyoğlu
+90 (0)542 352 22 31

Rolling Dice for Empowerment
Chișinău, Moldova

May 13 – 20, 2017

"Phantastischer Kapitalismus"
GPLcontemporary Gallery
Sonnenfelsgasse 6
1010 Vienna, Austria
April 29 to June 2, 2017

Time Capsule Hasenbergl
More than 60 Messengers

Art and Nation
Kunstraum Lakeside

Klagenfurt, Austria
September 30 to November 25, 2016

Clear the Stage for Time Messengers!
16 July 2016, 16:15–5:30 pm

A Time Travel through Hasenbergl
27 July 2016, 6 pm

Square in front of the Kulturzentrum 2411
Blodigstraße 4, 80933 München

Wolfsburg Unlimited – A City as World Laboratory
Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg

April 24 to September 11, 2016
-> link <-

Time Capsule Hasenbergl
project launch
14 April 2016, 7 pm
Stadtteilkulturzentrum 2411
Blodigstraße 4, 80933 München

1. Prize at the art-in-architecture competition
(together with Michael Hauffen)
construction of a sports hall
on the former freight yard at Hertabrücke,
Neukölln / Berlin 2015, realisation 2016

Art Insert: Geraldton goes Wajarri
dérive. Zeitschrift für Stadtforschung

Issue No. 60, from July to September 2015
Henri Lefebvre and a Right to the City

The Hare and the Hedgehog
multipart installation, 2014
crèche Galopperstraße Riem
art in architecture program, Quivid Munich
opening July 2015

spaced 2: future recall
Western Australian Museum

Perth, Western Australia
19 Feb - 29 Mar 2015
-> website <-

spaced symposium: Sat 21 Feb, 10am - 4pm
-> programs <-

Geraldton goes Wajarri
A city revitalises its endangered Aboriginal language

spaced 2: future recall
a recurring international event of socially engaged art
Western Australia, 2013-15
project realisation: October until December 2014 and from
February 2015
spaced 2: future recall

Rolling Dice for Berlin. The Gentrification Game
a huge board game to be played in the public sphere
Saturday, 27 September, 15h, Berlin-Kreuzberg,
Kottbusser Tor, in front of the ›Protest-Gecekondu‹ by Kotti & Co
In the framework of:
Part of the Game. Applied Game Theory in Urban Free Space
22 August – 27 September 2014
-> link nGbK

FairPlay or the Game about the Wealth
(in collaboration with Michael Hauffen)
Marler Star – artist residence by Martin Kaltwasser
in: Yesterday the City of Tomorrow,
Skulpturenmuseum Glaskasten Marl,
Urbane Künste Ruhr, Marl 2014
Opening: Saturday, 26 July 2014, 4 p.m.
on the Forumsplatte (Marler Stern)

spaced 2: future recall
a recurring international event of socially engaged art
IASKA West-Australia, 2013-15
Residency in Geraldton, first stay: November, December 2013
-> website 
Prendre la parole
We Have Been Silent Long Enough

A text-based installation in the public space of Graz, Austria
21. Juni – 3. November 2013
A co-operation project between:
< rotor > center for contemporary art
Institute for Art in Public Space Styria
City of Graz - Building Authority - Community Work Annenviertel
A long-term project by   < rotor > 
Opening: Reading Matter for the Barefoot Area
Monday, 14th January 2013, 7:30 p.m., Hallenbad City, Zurich/Switzerland
The commissioned artwork made for the Hallenbad City
adds a literary dimension to the newly renovated
swimming pool. Literary quotes on the subject of
swimming are woven into bath towels which circulate
with the swimmers in the room. A connection is
created between the spirit of modernism and the
users of the swimming pool which is thus filled
with different facets of life.
The Protest that Never Ends
Artisterium. 5th Tbilisi Annual International
Contemporary Art Exhibition and Art Events
Tbilisi, 5th - 15th October 2012
Artist-in-Residence at GeoAIR Tbilisi in October 2012
Artist Talk in TBC ARTAREA Tbilisi: 25th October, 6:30 p.m.
Reading Matter for the Barefoot Area
1. Prize in the art for architecture competition Hallenbad City, Zurich/Switzerland
Opening of the indoor swimming pool after the renovation January 2013

Citizen Art Days
Cooperative Art Strategies and Participation Potentials
in the Public Space
Berlin 19th - 26th February 2012
Lecture: Participative art practice as performative criticism
Date: Monday, 20th February, 7 p.m.
Place: Freies Museum Berlin
Petze’s Freedom
Establishing of a village square as a meeting place in a street village;
from July to November continuous actions, discussions and installations.
11th of December, 2011: „40 Meters of Freedom“
25th of September, 2011: „To launch a village square“
21st of August, 2011: „Ball of the lonesome benches“
30th of July, 2011: „Starting shot – Petze’s Freedom“
Petze, administrative district Hildesheim, Lower Saxony
Within the scope of Art for the Village - Villages for Art
Deutsche Stiftung Kulturlandschaft, 2011
-> Link
Belvedere. Why is Landscape beautiful?
Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck
4 September until 4 March 2012
Purloined Standards
Solo Show
23 May - 21 June 2011
Opening: 25 May, 6 p.m.
Artist Talk: 29 May, 2 p.m.
Space of Art, ETC
1F, 28-9, Dangin-dong, Mapo-gu
Seoul. Korea
Tue-Sun 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Gyeonggi Creation Center (artist in residence)
March / April / May 2011
A C303 GCC 400-3 Seongam-dong, Danwon-gu
Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do 425-310, Korea
there are known (un)knowns
Contribution for the series INSCRIBE IN THE CITY
Art in public space Styria (Graz/Austria)
together with Michael Hauffen
6 April – 20 May 2011
-> Link
Tres piezas para barrenderos. De lo invisible a lo visible
Three pieces for street sweepers. From the visible to the invisible
Historic Center of Mexico City
catalogue: Residual. Intervenciones artísticas en la ciudad,
Goethe-Institut, UNAM/Muca Roma, Mexico City 2011,
ISBN-Nr. 978-607-02-2097-5